Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Actually i know very little about Halloween and i am always relate this festival with "Ghost day" (Sorry la.... im not christian)
Another thing i can think about Halloween is Jack-o'-Lantern which often carved into silly or scary faces.......

Browsing through internet i found that

"The Festival of Halloween is a celebration of the end of the fertile period of the Celtic Goddess Eiseria. It is said that when Eiseria reaches the end of her fertile cycle the worlds of the dead and the living interlap. This happens on October 31. Masks are worn to show respect for the Goddess Eiseria who, like most Celtic deities, does not wish to be seen with human eyes. The day also preceeds All saints day, which was at first the celebration of the start of a new cycle of fertility for the celtic Goddess Eiseria. Couples incapable of producing children thus tried their luck on All saints day."

Halloween is very popular in Ireland and hope that i can go there to experience the celebration of Halloween.......

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