There are no huge crowds in sight (That why we choose to come here on weekday)

The view of "Eye on Malaysia" during day and night

Thanks to my dear for birthday cake ('Secret recipe' again!!) and everything you had done to me!!
My lovely Family
My colleague (from Serdang)
MUST + TARc fellows (from Kelana Jaya + Cheras + Puchong + KL)Secondary schoolmates
MUST Biotechnology survivals
星期四,22/11/2007, 半夜十二点正
“生日快乐”她通过电话祝福我!! 当时的心情虽不是十分兴奋(因为还蛮睏的)但觉得十分窝心。挂上电话后,我开始打开这份神秘礼物。(相信每个人都喜欢收礼物吧!)
礼物揭晓:一副大理石国际象棋(她十分细心,观察力强---知道我喜欢的东西)很多时候都发现我好像赤裸裸的站在她面前,什么事都被她拆穿或看透!! 可恶!
和一本十分有心思的手册。 传了一封简讯给她
“Thanks for av things that u had done… I love d card.very.much n the chess set .. too… 十分感动。特别是充满爱心的卡,感觉比象棋还要贵重。我会好好保存。我也和你一样希望我们能长长久久。我会永远爱着你的。此话当真,绝无花假。”(嘻,是不是肉麻了点?)
“那哪是卡。。是本充满爱的生日册子啦。 好啦,亲爱的寿星仔,早点睡,发个美梦。。且会美梦成真噢。生日快乐! ”
(Sri Angkasa Revolving Restaurant, Kuala Lumpur Tower)
Feelings: Happy+ joyance + a bit shy (since this is the first time i celebrate my birthday with my colleague... ...)
There is a nominal entrance fee of RM2 that will be donated to about 10 schools in Malaysia. (It is ok for me since its for charity)
1. A book talks about drawing
2. A novel (The thirteenth tales, Chinese edition)
After watching the replay, what i can say is......
My two lovely sister
OMG!! I received the offer letter from University of Malaya for my phD study......
I've been thinking about getting a new laptop, but not too seriously (since i have an 'old' desktop and still works ok).
However, I bought a new laptop (Toshiba) for just 1.5K recently. (Cheap right??) Thanks to my aunt for the offer......
Of course the laptop is come with Windows. Not just any Windows, but Windows Vista, the "Home Basic" version to be exact.
I never use Vista before and I was curious as to what this Vista stuff is all about?? I logged into the Vista desktop and played around it.
Like most of the modern shopping mall, The gardan also has the fantastic interior design such as the cross bridge seen from the ground floor gave a very "class" look.
I was going back with nothing in my hand because i can't afford to buy the top branded goods. Thats All!!
Another new shopping mall is set to open next year... ... Jaya Jasco Bukit Tinggi... ...
In two to three weeks, the bottle becomes filled with the root structure of the mushroom (So called mycelium). The temperature and the humidity of the room must be carefully controlled in order for the mycelium to develop fully and eventually little mushroom form on the mycelium and push up through the open of the bottle.
Grey oyster mushrooms
White oyster mushrooms